Don't be decieved into sharing your personal details with an imposter. The REAL ADA is Diamond Bank Personal Banker(@MyDiamondAda) and she does not initiate chats with people.
ADA (@MyDiamondAda) WILL NEVER chat you to request for your personal account details, BVN, Card Pin,Password, Token generated pin. Please report any suspicious chats or mail from any fake ada to 07003000000.
ADA (@MyDiamondAda) WILL NEVER chat you to request for your personal account details, BVN, Card Pin,Password, Token generated pin.
Have you been scammed?
Please report any suspicious chats or mail from any fake ada to 07003000000.
If you think you have scammed in an auction deal, contact the police or other relevant agencies immediately.
We encourage you to report scams to us via the report a scam page. This helps us to warn people about current scams, monitor trends and disrupt scams where possible. Please include details of the scam contact you received, for example, email or screenshot.
We also provide guidance on protecting yourself from scams and where to get help.
Spread the word to your friends and family to protect them.
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